Tuesday, October 8, 2013

MED 6091 "Let me esplain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up." ~Inigo Montoya

MED 6091 Graduate Synthesis Seminar

I chose this quote for some reasons which are obvious, and others that are not so obvious.  The most apparent reason is that this class is the culmination of a lot of work, and to include all the details of every class and every experience would take a lot more space and time than most people would ever want to sift through.  A less obvious reason concerns the context of the quote.  In the movie, Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik are sitting on the wall across the square from the castle planning how to save the princess.  MED 6091 provides the backdrop for future planning.  It signals the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.  Now is the time to be making and begin implementing a plan for the future that has been envisioned throughout the whole experience.

What have I learned?
In this class, I finally learned that if I relax and if I'm prepared, I don't need to worry so much about the little stuff.  I have a work ethic that demands perfection, but I wanted to enjoy my project and enjoy synthesizing these last four years.  That is part of the reason I chose a blog format for my portfolio.  It is a bit more relaxed and informal.  

I've also learned quite a bit about making things happen.  I think many people understand the words, "make things happen," but don't understand the power behind the words.  In completing my project I've really had to take matters into my own hands, and push brick walls aside in order to finish on time.  While extremely frustrating at times, specific things have been accomplished with a great sense of relief and fulfillment.

What do the products of this class say about me?
The main products of MED 6091 are the portfolio which you are currently looking at, and the project presentation.  I hope the portfolio represents my personality, and the things I strive to be to my students: instructor, mentor, example, accessible, understanding, tolerant, loving, kind, while at the same time expecting their best work and best effort.

How will it aid my students?
The things learned in 6091 will aid my students in understanding the importance of being prepared.  I may require them to put together portfolios of their own to showcase their work over a period of time so they can see their own progression in learning, building of confidence, and understanding of their new knowledge.

I am including the presentation which accompanies my project.  This presentation summarizes the work and findings of the project titled "Prevalence of Sensory Processing Disorder in Adults."

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