Tuesday, October 22, 2013

MED 6010 "Murdered by pirates is good!" ~Grandson

MED 6010 Historical Foundations

Pirates are typically historical figures, although there are currently still pirates in some parts of the world.  I have often been fascinated by what the life a pirate must have been.  Then again, I often wonder about the lives of people in other time periods.  So often we hear about the lives of famous people or rulers, but the people I wonder about are the commoners. 

What have I learned?
This class opened my eyes to many subjects.  The presentations given by the students in the class ranged from the history and current state of school lunch to support for gay/lesbian students at the high school level.  My group presented information concerning single-sex classroom and how that affects student learning. There are public schools that are pursuing this model particularly for STEM subjects and having very good success. 

What do the products of this class say about me?
I feel that there are lots of lessons we can learn from history in any subject.  The products of this class reflect my commitment to learn from the experiences of other people and apply those lessons to my own life and teaching.  I often ask myself, "What am I supposed to learn from this experience?"

How will this aid my students?
This will help my students acknowledge the lessons learned by others.  I feel that expressing those lessons to my students can help them get in the habit of asking themselves questions about what can be learned in any situation.   

This was my part of a powerpoint which accompanied a presentation about the pros and cons of single-sex classrooms and schools. 

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